2024 October Officer reports

Hello, friends!

The H&I Subcommittee met on Sunday, 27-Oct-24 with a six participants!

We hosted our commitment at the Cheshire County House of Corrections (CCHOC) men’s D-Pod on Thursday, 10-Oct-24 with a record-setting SIX participants. We read from the Just For Today book on the topic of ‘Consequences’ and gave out key tags to each attendee. One young man received a multiple year tag! Thank you to Trevor G. and Josh R. for their service.

We hosted a presentation at the Women’s pod on Friday, 11-Oct-24. There was only one participant due to several of the other women still being on laundry clean-up duty at the start of the meeting. Thank you to Felicia B. and Joanne G. for their service!

We also held a presentation at the Men’s K-pod on Tuesday, 22-Oct-24. There were three participants. We read ‘What Is The NA Program’ out of the Basic Text. Thank you to Les T. and Bob C. for their service!

We plan to host our November commitments on Friday, 08-Nov-24 (Women’s Pod), Thursday, 14-Nov-24 (Men’s D-Pod) and on Tuesday, 26-Nov-24 (Men’s K-Pod).

During our meeting today, we discussed our next H&I Learning Day. We confirmed the date for Saturday, February 15th. We will be hosting it at the Turning Point facility in White River Junction, Vt. We hope to offer a Zoom option, pending the facility’s Wi-Fi, and plan to provide food for the event. We will create a flyer in the coming months to be shared at meetings.

We also held discussion regarding a Speaker List. We will begin creating a list of potential speakers for our commitments, so look for H&I members at your meetings to sign up!

As always, please continue to announce that the H&I Subcommittee is looking for support during your meetings! We have been gaining traction with our current commitment at CCHOC, but it is our goal to host commitments at other facilities throughout our Area, too. Please remember that addicts in need of hearing our life saving message could benefit from your involvement!

In Loving Service,

H&I Subcommittee